image: computer, email marketing

Marketing Feature in TheAnalyst® PRO Provides Template to Launch Successful Email Campaigns


For the past three-plus decades, technology has transformed all that we do, especially being able to communicate quickly and effectively with a wide or targeted audience. Of all the online tools available, email was one of the earliest, and it remains the most widely used. 

According to research released in March from global company Statista, use of email messages continues to expand, and this electronic means of communication will continue to remain relevant and valuable: “Despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat apps, e-mail is an integral part of daily online life.”

From another perspective, more people worldwide engage in email communications today than any social media platform.

Commercial real estate professionals would be prudent to incorporate a strategic and concerted email campaign as a key component of marketing communications to promote properties for sale or lease, as well as to strengthen brand awareness for a brokerage firm and its capabilities. 

Value of Strategic Email Marketing

A robust email campaign offers CRE professionals many tangible benefits. Here are four key reasons to consider:

Drives audience engagement

An email message sends a direct communication to clients and prospects, which can result in a quick response regarding additional information, a request to meet online or in person, or a request for an offering memorandum. Prompt attention to an inquiry regarding an available property can help close a deal.

Grants total control over the message

Strategic email campaigns distribute messages on a prescribed date and at a prescribed time, letting the CRE professional determine when the message was sent and received. Other digital resources, like social media platforms or online advertising, are controlled by algorithms that impact when the message is viewed. 

Allows for a more personal message

Like direct mail print letters, an email can be personalized to the recipient, offering a more private and intimate message. Plus, an email can be branded with images of a commercial property or CRE team and feature the company logo, providing the recipient with a wide range of information. 

Widespread use by virtually everyone

Decades after it was introduced, email remains a communications tool that has become an integral part of business and everyday life today. It’s safe to say that everyone working in the commercial real estate arena has an email account and uses it regularly, if not daily. 

Advantages of TheAnalyst® PRO Email Feature

Subscribers to TheAnalyst PRO can build and launch an email communications program through use of a template that’s part of the Commercial Package PRO. Earlier this year, founder Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM, demonstrated the email component in a six-minute video, “Email Template Tutorial for The AnalystPro”. 

Todd points out that TheAnalyst PRO powers CRE email campaigns using a previously created property flier, brochure, or offering memorandum with just three quick and easy-to-comprehend steps.

Subscribers can select from three email design template options, and distribution can be integrated with an existing Mailchimp® account API (application programming interface) code to allow for quick and seamless distribution. For CRE professionals not on Mailchimp, TheAnalyst PRO automatically generates HMTL code that can be incorporated into other email marketing services like Constant Contact or information management systems like Microsoft Outlook. Subscribers also have the time-saving option to select a default template for future email campaigns. 

Two Key Steps for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Before engaging in an email campaign, CRE professionals should undertake the following:

--- Analyze current marketing communications to determine the performance of the company or property website, social media messages, and direct mail campaigns.

--- Determine how an effective email program will compliment other marketing in order to better drive commercial property sales and referrals. 

Have questions about the email component or other CRE tools available through TheAnalyst PRO? 

Reach out and contact us or sign up for a personal demo.