Commercial Real Estate Education & Speaking
by Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM

CRE Training provides specialized courses, educating professionals nationwide and internationally, on the topics of Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Investment and Real Estate Technology.

Contact us directly for corporate education and speaking engagements.


  • Reflections on the current state of AI for Commercial Real Estate in 2024. 
    Written by: Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM - CEO/President of TheAnalyst PRO
    While AI has made significant strides in various industries, its application in CRE comes with certain limitations... Read more...

  • Versatility and Adaptability:
    Essentials in the World of CRE
    You want to be ready to tackle any deal that comes your way, whether you're working in a small tertiary market or the central business district (CBD) of the largest city in the world... Read more...

  • Multifamily is a hot topic in commercial real estate these days!
    We decided to do an update of where things stand, and how TheAnalyst PRO can helpwork those multifamily deals with great speed and little effort... Read more...

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  • Made me a lot of money

  • Incredible immersion

  • Looking forward to taking this to some of my clients

  • Perfect overview of commercial

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